Friday, May 9, 2014

30 day challenge + low carb check in

Wow already to 9 days into my 30 day challenge. 

I notice how my energy levels went a bit down after adding my low carb "diet" to this. Why is this? Well, your body uses carbs as a fuel source for workout, hence, low carbs equals low energy. 

I have made a few adjustment to my low carb rule to have more energy and not crash and burn after a week.  I have cut off all breads, pasta, rice, rice cakes, granola bars...etc. To make up for all the loss of energy, I have upped my fruit and protein intake. 

I made myself a batch of fruit salad for my breakfast along with a hard boiled egg, lunches and suppers usually consist of fish, chicken or turkey with salad and steamed or grilled veggies. My snacks are mostly almonds, quest bars and apples.

I know, it does not seem like a lot of variety but luckily, I don't get bored with repetitive meals. 

Consistency and preparation is key for me. My body need routine and a balance lifestyle to feel happy. 

What do you do to stay balanced and on routine?

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST.

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