Thursday, May 1, 2014

30 day challenge - Day 1

The first day is always fun. A new routine, a new workout. You feel motivated and you can't wait to see what you can do.

Today is the first day of my 30 day challenge. today, I'll be will be working out on my lower body. All the details were posted in my previous post, introducing the challenge but here it is again for all of you just jumping in now.

Working in a circuit style, one move after the other with little to no rest, 5 times through.

-20 jump squats
-20 walking lunges with kettle bells
-30 jumping jacks
-20 side lunges with barbell
-15 bench step ups with barbell (each leg)
-20 calf raise with kettle bells
-20 straight leg dead lifts

followed by

15 minute treadmill interval run
~ 2 minute flat walk
~ 2 minute set at 5 incline walk
~ 2 minute set at 5 incline jog
~ 2 minute flat jog
~ 2 minute flat walk
~ 2 minute set at 10 incline walk with 30 second jogs
~ 3 minute cool down

This will be a fun workout, killing legs on the first day is almost a statement!

Today meal plan involves my cheat meal. Now, I know what you are thinking, "You are already having your cheat meal on the first day of your challenge?!?" 

Yes I am because I had already had that day planned out from last week and I always plan out my cheat meal dates on pay day. That way, I am not restricted to anything. I like my cheat meals and I do have it every week, after about 7 to 10 days of clean eating. It keeps me sane and keeps my cravings at bay.

Breakfast will be a bowl of oatmeal with berries and 1 orange with a cup pf peppermint tea and a glass of water.

Lunch will probably be a Falefal plate at Shawarma sante, I will be on the go today and since it's also grocery day (another reason why my cheat meal is today) I can't pack up too much of a good lunch so my go to healthy lunch is usually shawarma plate (not the sandwich) or subway.

Supper is RED LOBSTER, i\m supper excited. 

I'll be having a few snacks here and there during the day, mostly an apple or piece of cheese and a protein bar or shake. I'll take a picture of absolutely everything I will be eating today and make an other post tonight. So check back later.

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST

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