Monday, May 5, 2014

Low carb days

Today is day 5 of my 30 day challenge and day 1 of phase 2 of my challenge.

Phase 2 = Low carb days (for the remainder of the month)

I have a really big appetite and love bad carbs. I will wolf down any kind of bread, muffin, cake, bagel...etc.... I decided to add  phase 2 to my challenge and go low carb for the reminder of the challenge. This will probably be the bigger part of the challenge for me as working out is a passion for me and it feels like a treat to go to the gym every day. What`s the point of doing a challenge is I don`t feel challenged?

My meal will be very basic and simple. Luckily for me, I don`t get bored with eating the same things over and over. I could eat chicken every day and be super happy about it. I will be upping my protein intake and lowering my carbs to the bare minimum. This being said, here is an example of what I will eat today.

»Upon waking I take my multi vitamin with a glass of water directly followed by a Glutamine* shot and two more glasses of water. (Water helps wake up the metabolism) My water glasses are actually my 20 oz. bottle, always filled to the rim.

One bottle of water
1 hard boiled egg
1/2 cup of fruit salad (strawberry, canary melon, peaches and black grapes)

One bottle of water
4 oz. chicken breast (skinless and boneless)
Grilled asparagus

Post-workout snack
One bottle of water
1 scoop of Phyto-berry** mixed + 1 scoop of Glutamine
Quest Protein bar

One bottle of water
6 oz. of turkey meat balls with franks red hot sauce
Grilled mixed veggies (peas, carrots and green and yellow beans) seasoned with no salt Ms. Dash.

»2 hours before bed, I`ll have my last Glutamine shot and a peppermint tea to help relax.

Very simple, very basic. I have my meals planned out a few days ahead and all prepared so I don`t wander to the store and buy something bad. I also try to remind myself why I an doing this meal plan and the benefits it will bring me to stay on track and help go through a craving.

*, **see future post on all the supplement I take for more information.

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST.

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