Wednesday, April 30, 2014

30 day challenge

This morning I got a coffee and sat down to look at my emails and Facebook when I saw one picture that made me think.This photo sparked an idea that turned into a fantastic motivational challenge. For those who follow my blog regularly, yes i have set some similar objectives in my previous posts and this is basically merging all of them together. Keeping all my goals and all my plans together will make it easier to keep track.

"You have not failed until you give up. "

It will be very simple. Post your before stats before starting on my facebook page as I will be posting them here.  You can follow my routine or create your own for your goals. 

A few points to prep before starting
#1 - Set goal
#2 - Weight-in, measurement and before pictures 
(you do not have to share this information online if you do not feel comfortable)
#3 - Plan out your workouts and meals

My goal for this 30 day challenge: lose inches and gain muscle definition.

Here is what my workout routine will be like for the next 30 days.

My routine will be split up into 6 days of work 2 days of rest and one scheduled cheat meal. My workouts will be lower body days, upper body days, cardio days. This is what a week will look like. 
(example given form May 1st to May 7th) 

May 1st: Lower body day
May 2nd: Upper body day
May 3rd: Cardio day
May 4th: Lower body day
May 5th: Upper body day
May 6th: Cardio day
May 7th: Rest

 Lower body and cardio

Working in a circuit style, each move one after the other with little to no rest until round is completed. Rest for 1 or 2 minutes and repeat 5 times in total.

-20 jump squats
-20 walking lunges with kettle bells
-30 jumping jacks
-20 side lunges with barbell
-15 bench step ups with barbell (each leg)
-20 calf raise with kettle bells
20 straight leg dead lifts

15 minute treadmill interval run
~ 2 minute flat walk
~ 2 minute set at 5 incline walk
~ 2 minute set at 5 incline jog
~ 2 minute flat jog
~ 2 minute flat walk
~ 2 minute set at 10 incline walk with 30 second jogs
~ 3 minute cool down

Upper body and cardio

Working in a circuit style, each move one after the other with little to no rest until round is completed. Rest for 1 or 2 minutes and repeat 5 times in total.

15 push ups
20 dumbbell lateral raise
20 triceps extension
20 military press
20 Bicep curls
20 shoulder shrugs
Boat rope interval*

*Boat rope interval.
How to do the move: create a wave like motion with the rope by alternating arms going up and down.
How long to do it: in intervals set up like this --->15 sec work, 15 second rest, 20 second work, 15 second rest, 25 second work, 15 second rest, 30 second work. 

15 minute spin bike interval 
~ 2 minute warm up
~ 2 minute slight hill climb
~ 2 minute flat
~ 2 minute off seat hill climb
~ 2 minute flat
~ 2 minute off seat HIGH hill climb
~ 3 minute cool down

Cardio day

Choice of any cardio equipment for 40 minutes with interval work. Keep it intense, keep your heart rate up and keep moving.

Meal planning

Here is an example of what I eat during a 7 day planned out meal prep.

1/2 cup of oatmeal with berries
1/2 cup of yogurt with granola and fruit
1 Multi grain toast with hard boiled egg and avocado
1 poached egg with chicken bacon and asparagus
4 egg white omelet with veggies
2 protein pancakes with fruit
2 eggs with turkey sausages and fruit

Chicken breast with 1 cup of grilled veggies
spinach and cheese frittata
Strawberry and spinach salad wit almond and avocado
Tomatoes sandwich with avocado spread and a hard boiled egg
Oven roasted chicken with whole wheat pasta and tomato pesto
6 bean salad with tuna
Small pepper steak with sauteed onion and mushrooms

Ground turkey with wild citrus rice and salad
Orange marinated chicken served with brown rice and steamed asparagus
Turkey burgers with home made coleslaw 
Beef and broccoli served on quinoa
Chicken Quesadilla with whole grain tortillas 
Whole wheat spaghetti with home made sauce
Cheat meal!

Peanut butter and banana smoothie
Mixed nuts
Almonds butter and apple
Light cheese and 1/2 cup of raspberries
Carrots and humus
Apple puree and celery

There you have it, that is all my prep for the week. I hope to stay on track. My cheat meal is planed out to be tomorrow on my first day. This is only because my regular schedule that I've been following calls for a cheat meal on this date. I plan to go eat at red lobster! :) yum!

Now on to the stats.

I took my measurements about a week ago (also in a previous post) so I'm posting those as I know they have not changed.

154 lbs
30.5% body fat
Calorie intake to maintain weight: 1550/day
Calorie intake for weight loss: 1050 to 1350/day

Chest: 34.5 inches
Breast: 35 inches
Waist: 29.5 inches
Hips: 41 inches
Thighs: 24.5 inches
Calf: 14.5 inches

Bicep: 11 inches

And now, drum roll please. The "piece de resistance"
........the pictures...... 
Here goes nothing!

There is is, the beginning of a 30 day challenge. I will weight in and measure myself in 15 days and will post the results along with some mi-challenge pictures.

Join in on the fun and challenge yourself. See what you can achieve in 30 days!

Be strong. Be Proud.
Be the BEAST

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