Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Second of the first

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

Today was my second day of the new routine. I`m crazy sore from yesterday and can`t wait to go to bed. Tonight`s bed time will definitely be way before 10 PM. I have been up since 6 this morning and I feel like I have not stopped. Here is what I did so far.

Rise and shine @ 6 AM had my breakfast while checking my emails. Got ready to go to work for a morning group glass and took my bike to the gym.

8H30 to 9H30 was my group class with a new group of ladies. I was asked my a co-worker to take over her class for two weeks. Last week, I tried doing her class (20-20-20, which is 20 minute blocks of aerobics, step and strength). As I can't dance to save my life, the two first segments of the class were a bit of a sight for sore eyes since the moves are timed to the tempo and there is some coordination involved. This week I played it safe and had them try out my boot camp. I was very impressed with them. They are a group of older ladies and they were strong till the end.

9H30 to 10H15 - All in all it was a good workout followed by a 45 minute long stretch/ yoga class (that I also instructed).
  Two hard boiled eggs mixed with franks red hot, Ms. Dash and pepper on a low sugar, low fat whole wheat toast (I like the crusts) and two slices of low saodium ham. All that with a tomato and light Babybell cheese (I like to slice it up, it make it seem like there is more). I washed that down with my daily vitamins, glutamine and cucumber water.

Got home at 10H30 I stuffed the above plate down the hatch and not long after I decided to go for a Shoulder/Back workout (totally not in my plans after doing my classes this morning)

Here is what my workout looked like.

10 minutes warm up on elliptical (really felt all my soreness come out during that warm up)
All super sets and high reps of 15
3 x Seated row + Seated Shoulder press 
3 x Bent over single arm row + Single arm Lateral raise
3 x Standing row + Barbell shoulder press (behind neck)
3 x straight arm cable Lateral pull + Seated Lat pull down

All that was done with the support of my mini-beast Valerie <3 

When I finally got back home (for good) around 1H, I was hungry and needed protein so I whipped up a batch of protein pancakes. I like to put some blueberry jam I have, it's low sugar and so yummy, it takes just like a bunch of munched up blueberries and nothing else, no sugar added, no junk!
 From the time I was done eating my post-workout pancakes to 4H30, I was hard at work on my client files and putting everything in order. Twice during that time I almost flat out fell asleep at my desk and had to get up and walk around the house a bit to wake up. On top of that i also manage to do two more loads of laundry and prep my meals for tomorrow as I am in the Gym from 6 AM till 9 PM.

This bad boy is what is keeping me alive right now as I am writing.It's a Golden monkey black tea. I'm a Tea freak and always end up spending at least 50$ at Teavana every single time I go.

Check out the next post, it has all the details of my meal prep for tomorrow's long day at the gym and what I plan for my boot camps this summer.

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST.

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