Monday, April 7, 2014

2 month long weight cut

I'm on a 2 month long "cut". I will be sharing with you my ups and down and progress.

Why am I doing this?

-I am doing this because I want to finally reach my goal. This is not about how much weight I will loose or how many inches go away but more about how it can change how I feel. I did already ditch the scale since March and It's been going great. I have almost no interest in knowing what me weight is.

What am I doing?

- I am simply sticking to a clean diet and one cheat meal per week routine with a lot more cardio and less weight training. I'll post a blog entry all about my workout routine and my meals.

What is different then what I usually do?

- Usually, i'll workout 6 times per week, every day is weights. Cardio would only be 3 times a week for about 20 minutes. i would be strict on my diet but not really checking calories and i would eat a lot at night.

What will I do after this "cut"?

-If all goes well and I'm at the body image I want, I will start to add mass to my body. More muscle gain and definition.

 I will be posting a before and after shot of my results at the end of this along with my measurements and weight.

Be the BEAST!

1 comment:

  1. This is not about how much weight I will loose or how many inches go away but more about how it can change how I feel. I did already ditch the scale since March and It's been going great.garcinia cambogia
