Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Boot camp

I fell in love last year with giving boot camp classes outdoors. After getting my certification in Personal training I wanted to create something fun for a few people I know. I did a few weeks of boot camps last year close to the season's end but I plan to go full force this year. I currently hold a position at my local gym where I give classes on Monday nights and I love my participants! My group has a range of beginner to elite athlete, from 16 yrs old to, my guess is, early 60's, this amazes me. How any one can join in if they only try. Take fear and set it aside. You will never get to the happiness level you are looking for if you stay hiding behind fear.

I just started my second year in outdoor boot camps last week and i'm supper excited to create new and improved workout for my fellow boot campers. Here is what a boot camp is all about, for those who have never participated and are wondering about it.

From Wikipedia:

A boot camp is a type of group physical training program. These programs are designed to build strength and fitness through a variety of intense intervals over a 1 hour period of time. 

From my brain:

What I do:
My boot camps are structured to work every part of the body with strength training moves and cardio work. In a regular 1 hour routine I will make you work biceps, triceps, lats (upper back), lower back, glutes (bum), thighs (both hamstrings and quads) and calves and build up your cardio. 

How and why it works:
The reason why boot camps are so effective is that during the full 1 hours, you are moving your entire body all the time, activating different muscles every other minute with little to no rest. This keeps your heart rate up and helps burn fat fasted then cardio alone.

Join a boot camp class vs. doing it alone:
you don't have to sign up with me to have a great workout, most people can find something to do at home that will work just fine, for some time. Eventually, you will find yourself in a routine rut where you don't know how to challenge your body anymore to achieve the results you are looking for. I am not saying you absolutely will have to join some kind of group or gym at one point but the human brain craves interaction, competition and gratification. boot camps offers all that and so much more, you meet new people that share a lot of the same goals and realize that you are not alone in your journey. 

What does a session look like:
Warm up run/jog

just a few examples of what you can find in 1 minute circuit stations:
push ups
jumping jacks
triceps dips
mountain climbers
chair pose hold
jumping jacks
crab walk
kettle bell hip thrusts

I also like to combine some game like activities to put some fun into it. i'll let you try and figure what type of fun I can get you guys into while sweating your asses off!! :)

I will also be ordering some boot camp shirts available to buy a a reduced price for anyone that will participate to a session. They will be available to everyone at regular price around the beginning of June.

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST.

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