Monday, April 21, 2014

New goals for a new season

I am at the last stretch of my weight loss journey. Started at 196 lbs, gone through major ups and downs, feeling strong and feeling weak. I struggle a lot with my weight as I tend to not hold on to a routine for very long. I have officially reached my main goal weight of 150 lbs a few months ago. Now that I have done so, I want to see what else my body can achieve.

For the next two months, I will be a on full routine and keeping it on track EVERY single day, with one cheat meal per week, working out 6 times a week, including a lot more cardio into my day and sticking to a clean eating lifestyle. I will be sharing with you every detail of the way. My weight-ins, my measurements, my body fat %, calorie intake, meal planning and workout routine.

As of today, these are my numbers:

154 lbs
30.5% body fat
Calorie intake to maintain weight: 1550/day
Calorie intake for weight loss: 1050 to 1350/day
Chest: 34.5 inches
Breast: 35 inches
Waist: 29.5 inches
Hips: 41 inches
Thighs: 24.5 inches
Calf: 14.5 inches
Bicep: 11 inches


#1: Feel amazing
#2: Energize myself
#3: Reduce Body fat %
#4: Gain muscle mass
#5: Increase cardio

In all, my goals are mainly to achieve a level of happiness within my body. To appreciate myself and to see what I can obtain. The numbers above are for statistics purposes only, I have broken up with the scale because we had a really bad, unhealthy relationship. I learned that the scale does not define me or how I feel.

Stay strong, be proud.
Be the BEAST.

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