Friday, April 25, 2014

Day 4 and 5 adventures

I've been a bit busy the past few days and trying to fine the time to write down a good blog post was a bit hard so I compressed two days into one post. I've been working a lot and putting lots of effort into my days and it's starting to pay off. I think I found the right pace for my lifestyle. I could not be any happier then how I've been feeling for the past week. I found this image that I think shows how I feel compared to lots of people around me. Some need to learn to relax and just take it day by day. Surrounded by unhappy faces.

Because I'm happy! 

My eating has been spot on for the last two days with the most basic meals. High protein and low carb and I've had more energy then I ever did. This goes to show that when you eat good, you feel good! I instructed my first of the season, outdoor boot camp, yesterday night and absolutely loved it. I missed doing it outside and I missed my two most loyal boot camp members! 

Today was leg day at the gym and I decided to put more explosiveness to my moves to add more cardio into my routine. I added lunges to my leg day as I never really did any. I focused a lot on my hamstring and glutes.

Here is what it looked like:

Super set of:
-20 walking lunges with 20 lbs kettle bells in each hand 
-20 body weight walking lunge

Regular sets of:
3 x 12 Front lunge with raised rear leg (each leg)
3 x 15 rear lunge with high front knee (each leg)
3 x 10 One legged step up (onto bench) with leg extension and lunges on landing (each leg)

3 x 15 Super set of:
Leg extension
Leg curl 
Seated calf raise

Last night I made chicken sausages for supper and used the BBQ for my first time. Aside form being a bit burnt, to my defense they were honey garlic flavored so the sugar had to burn, they were tasty and so lean!

In a few days I'll be posting a few recipes form my favorite summer time dishes. Make sure to catch those.

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST

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