Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 3 - Third one's a charm, right?

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

Today is a long day for me. don't get me wrong, it's not a bad thing that I get to spend my entire day in a gym. Last year, that was exactly my dream job. This year, heck, I got my dream job. I work at the service counter at a great gym, for awesome bosses and I have the world greatest co-worker EVER. I get to talk about fitness ALL DAY LONG. The only down side is that I get to watch people workout ALL DAY LONG. It the worst kind of tease for a gym brat. 

Along with that I also get to train some of the members at the gym with the Basic training program. YEESSS, I am officially training clients at a gym and also give my boot camp classes to a great group of participants.

Dream #1 of lists of achievements: Achievement unlocked!
(yes, I'm a bit of a geek) 

So I really don't mind that i got up at 4:45 AM to go to work on my bike with my giant lunch bag.

I'm at the service counter form 6 AM to 2 PM and training from 4 PM till 9 PM. In the small free time between my two shift, I will take advantage and do a cardio workout. 

My workout will look somewhat like this:

10 minute warm up on stair master. 
Circuit training for 20 minutes
1 minute work station with 30 seconds rest in between
Just a few example of the stations in my circuit:

Spin bike
Kettle bell thrusts
jump squats
jump rope
20 minute cool down run on treadmill

FOOD for the day!!! Cause, I got to eat.

1/2 cup 0% fat plain yogurt with 1/2 raspberries and blueberries and some mixed Nature's path bio cereal.

One Banana and a light Babybell cheese

Baby spinach salad with sunflower seeds and strawberries (no dressing, the strawberries add just enough flavor!)
1/2 cup of crab meat with home made ketchup and two plain rice cakes.

One small apple and a light laughing cow cheese. Not shown in picture: A cookies and cream Quest bar.

6 turkey meat balls with 1/2 cup of brown garlic and herb rice with sauteed veggies seasoned with no salt-Ms. Dash and a side of fresh red pepper, cucumber and celery.

So that is how my day will go, I will get home at 9:30 PM and go in the shower then I'll probably hit the pillow faster then you can say "superfragilisticexpialidocious". You know, that Mary Poppins song!

Summer boot camp blog coming up!

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST

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