Monday, April 21, 2014

The first of the first.

Monday, April 21st, 2014. 

Today marks the first day of my new routine for the next two months. Here is what today looks like for me along with details of workout and eating.

Rise and shine
I woke up a bit late this morning. I guess my body needed the added rest. I officially got out of bed at 10 AM. To be honest, I hardly ever sleep in but lately I have been struggling with getting up or not taking naps. That is why the second goal I set for myself  (posted in previous post: New goals for a new season) is to Energize myself. I don't have a issue getting tot he gym or getting the work done but once it's done I crash and burn.

To give you an example of my energy levels lately, yesterday was Easter and rest day #2 for me. I got up late, had breakfast and watched movies all day. When I say "watch movies" I really mean "put the DVD in and fall asleep 10 minutes into the movie". I did this 3 times. However, I did manage to go for two walks during this lazy, cat like, kind of day. I went to bed at 9 PM and woke up this morning at 10 AM. I think this speaks for itself, I'm a tad tired.

Setting a routine for yourself is very important. Once your body knows when to do what, it become easier to do it. Reminder of routine importance: Long weekends are killer when you eventually get back to work, right? This principal is the same for setting a workout and nutrition routine. I set my bed time for 10 PM every day of the week including the weekends.


1/2 whole wheat English muffin with low fat cream cheese and smoked salmon. A small blood orange with a hand full of blueberries and raspberries.

5 grams of Glutamine, 1 plain rice cake with 1 tbs of natural crunchy peanut butter and a banana.

Post-(#1)workout / lunch
6 oz crab meat with giant veggie salad

Chicken Bacon and strawberry salad with Beet crystals. (recipe and photos to come in next post)

5 grams of Gutamine and cookies and cream Quest bar (these are to die for!!!)


AM cardio
20 minute run

Chest day

4 X 10 Flat bench dumbbell press
3 X 15 Incline dumbbell press
4 X 15 Incline dumbbell fly
3 X 20 Pec Dec
4 X 20 seated chest press
3 X 20 Cable cross over

PM cardio
1 hour boot camp

Be strong, be proud.
Be the BEAST.

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