Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Flap Jacked pancakes

I'm a big fan of pancakes. So when my boyfriend told me about these I just had to have them. As soon as I was done work that day, we drove to our local supplement store and I jumped on the first bag I saw. I took the classic Buttermilk flavor and took it home. I also took note of some other flavors but ever since I tasted then, I completely forgot about the other flavors!

These little fluffs of heaven are simple to mix and cook. They make about 6-8 thick pancake per mix batch, bag will make 3 batches. The only issue i found is that they seem to stick a bit to the pan, since i'm cheep and don't own non-stick cookware. 

Will all said and done, I am in love with this product and can't wait to try the other flavors!!

Be the BEAST!

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