Saturday, March 22, 2014

Turkey meatloaf

I just love love love meatloaf, but recently I have not been liking the red meat so much. I wanted a meatloaf badly the other day so I looked up a few recipes and found them a bit too `granola`looking to me. It did not seem like comfort meal to me when I was reading the ingredients.

After looking for a while I just decided that I`ll make my own and hope for the best. Well turns out, it was amazing. Sadly, I did not take any pictures of it but as soon as I make another one I will post about it for sure!

Now, this is not the healthiest of my recipes but it's still better then what I use to have as a kid.

What you'll need:

1 pack of ground turkey (or ground chicken)
4-6 tbs of whole grain bread crumbs
1 whole egg ( I like to use  free range eggs but any kind will work fine)
3-4 tbs of low sodium soya sauce
3-4 tbs of ketchup
3-4 tbs of water

Make a second batch of the last three ingredients and set aside

 What you'll do:

Preheat the over at 400 degrees.
Mix all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
Pour mixture into a bread pan or any oven pan of your choice.
Cover with foil and place in oven for 1 hour.
After the hour is up, remove foil cover and pour the second liquid mix on top pf the loaf.
Put back in oven, uncovered for an additional 20 to 30 minutes.

I served this to my parents with a side of oven roasted carrots and Brussels sprouts and some green peas.
They loved it and we all wanted the leftover plate.


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