Sunday, March 2, 2014

Kale pesto pasta

Pasta is one of my favorite dishes and I'm a sucker for carbohydrates so when I came across this recipe, I just had to try it out.  It was super easy to make and takes only a few minutes to prepare.

What you need:

-Whole wheat pasta of your choice
-12 to 15 cherry tomatoes
-bunch of kale
-4 to 5 cloves of garlic
- 1/4 cup of fresh  grated Parmesan cheese

What you will need to do:

While you bring water to a boil for the pasta and while it is cooking all the prep work can be done. Chop up the kale and garlic and put into blender. Blend into a pesto like paste. Add the cheese and blend a bit more. Set aside. 

Chop in the cherry tomatoes in half. Once pasta is cooked to your liking, strain and pass under cold water until pasta temperature is cool. 

Mix the kale pesto, pasta and tomatoes ans serve!

Hope you enjoy.

Be the BEAST!

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