Thursday, March 6, 2014

Shell salad

As some of you might know, i'm in love with pasta and always on the lookout for a healthier choice. But sometimes, good old fashion white pasta wins the battle. I found this recipes at a local groceries store, home cooked style food sections. 

What you will need:

1 cup of  the pasta of you choice
12 cherry tomatoes
1 cucumber

2-4 tbs of olive oil
2-4 tbs vinegar
1-2 tbs of chicken broth
(note: for the vinaigrette, you can add or remove amount tbs to taste)

What you need to do:

Boil pasta for 7-8 minutes. While pasta is boiling, cut cherry tomatoes in half and dice the cucumber. Mix all vinaigrette ingredients together. Once pasta is cooked, pass under cold water until pasta is cooled. Mix everything together and serve.


Be the BEAST!

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