Saturday, May 24, 2014

The wounderfull banana!


Bananas are simply amazing. I could leave it at the and finish my post right there. I don't need to expand on the subject any further for a lot of people. But some are highly sceptical of the fruit, saying it's too high in sugar and is one of the unhealthiest fruit out there.

For anyone that needs a bit more convincing then just being told that they are yummy, here are 7 benefits to eating bananas.

Banana is the best sources of potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure, heart health and bone strength. One banana contains 450 mg of potassium, four times higher than cereal, bread and more. Eating two bananas a day will contribute to the prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis and building our bones. Bananas also reduce the risk of stroke.

Bananas are low in sodium, and contain one mg per unit. Much of our daily diet sources, such as cereals, crackers and bread contain hundreds of milligrams of sodium.  Reduction in sodium consumption is important in preventing high blood pressure, heart disease and blood vessels and loss of calcium from the bones.

Bananas contain a unique type of probiotic fiber that contributes to the digestive system. This helps to prevent diarrhea resulting from infection in the intestine, strengthen the immune system, protect against colon cancer and more. Probiotic fibers also contribute to increased mineral absorption from the intestine, reducing cholesterol absorption and balance sugar levels.

A recent study showed that whole fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, help protect against kidney cancer. It was found that women who consumed more vegetables and fruits, decreased their risk of the disease, and those who consumed four to six bananas per week reduced the risk of kidney cancer by about half.

 Bananas contain substances that help operating the cells that make up the lining of the stomach, and thus they form the protective mucous barrier against acidity. Other compounds in bananas called protease inhibitors, help destroying bacteria that causes stomach ulcers.

The high potassium content of bananas helps improve the health condition after consuming much alcohol, and helps prevent the feeling of a hangover.

Banana contains tryptophan, an amino acid that makes serotonin, an active ingredient in the nervous system. Among other functions, it regulates sleep and appetite and aids in creating a sense of relaxation. Therefore it is recommended to eat banana with the slight appearance of hunger during the day. Read also my article about the best foods to get better sleep.

What more do you want? Bananas are just awesome!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

End of the line for low carb days

Day 6 of low carb day.

I officially declare today to be my last day doing low carb diet. I am so weak that it's giving me nausea and I have no energy left in me to workout, let alone do my job with a bubbly attitude and clean up after closing time. 

I took the low carb a bit too far and after talking to a few people and doing a little research, I learned that I was not consuming enough carbs to keep my energy level high enough to function properly. My mind was foggy, I had issues focusing and I was just hungry to the point of feeling weak all over my body. 

Everyone is different and some people can take less/more carbs in a day/week and I applaud anyone that follows a strict ow carb diet and can function properly and those who are close to competition and still have a smile on their face amaze me. 

On the bright side, I did lose the little bit of bloat I had gained in my stomach and it feels flatter! As of tomorrow, I will slowly incorporate healthy carbs back into my diet with oatmeal or granola in my breakfast, rice cakes for snacks and brown rice or whole wheat pasta during my lunch but still having a carb cut off time after 2 pm. I need more cabrs in my body to be able for follow my healthy,busy, active lifestyle I have. Hopefully this headache I've had for the past two days will be gone by tomorrow morning. I had a small carb load this afternoon and for supper making sure I did not go over board with the carbs portions as I usually did and fell 100% times better.

I'll be checking in again in two days to let you know how I feel with more carbs in me and stay tuned for more posts about everything  and anything fitness.

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST.

Friday, May 9, 2014

30 day challenge + low carb check in

Wow already to 9 days into my 30 day challenge. 

I notice how my energy levels went a bit down after adding my low carb "diet" to this. Why is this? Well, your body uses carbs as a fuel source for workout, hence, low carbs equals low energy. 

I have made a few adjustment to my low carb rule to have more energy and not crash and burn after a week.  I have cut off all breads, pasta, rice, rice cakes, granola bars...etc. To make up for all the loss of energy, I have upped my fruit and protein intake. 

I made myself a batch of fruit salad for my breakfast along with a hard boiled egg, lunches and suppers usually consist of fish, chicken or turkey with salad and steamed or grilled veggies. My snacks are mostly almonds, quest bars and apples.

I know, it does not seem like a lot of variety but luckily, I don't get bored with repetitive meals. 

Consistency and preparation is key for me. My body need routine and a balance lifestyle to feel happy. 

What do you do to stay balanced and on routine?

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

At home leg blast

Today's leg day is at home

Warm up
30 seconds each move one after the other, no rest.

-High knees
-Front knee raise
-Jumping jack
-Jump squats

3 sets of 20 repetitions, 30 second rest between sets. 1 minute rest between exercise.

Kettle bell dead lift
Kettle bell Squat
Kettle bell Single leg dead lift (each leg)
Step up 
Standing rear leg extension
Walking lunge
Side lunge with leg raise
Single leg glute bridge

I'm finishing this off with a outside run and stretching. 

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST.

My suppliments

My supplements are important for my routine and balanced lifestyle. Here they are.

Front left to right: Vitamin C, Whey protein in butterscotch flavor, Flax seed oil, in pill form, protein/meal replacement in strawberry flavor, Phytoberry, Glutamine and Multi vitamin.

Vitamin C

What is it?
Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is abundant in vegetables and fruits. A water-soluble vitamin and powerful antioxidant, it helps the body form and maintain connective tissue, including bones, blood vessels, and skin.

What does it do?
Vitamin C helps to repair and regenerate tissues, protect against heart disease, aid in the absorption of iron, prevent scurvy, and decrease total and LDL ("bad") cholesterol and triglycerides. Research indicates that vitamin C may help protect against a variety of cancers by combating free radicals, and helping neutralize the effects of nitrites (preservatives found in some packaged foods that may raise the risk of certain forms of cancer). Supplemental vitamin C may also lessen the duration and symptoms of a common cold; help delay or prevent cataracts; and support healthy immune function.

Where to get it?
You can get this at any pharmacy, most grocery stores and health food stores. If you wish to get your Vitamin C without popping a pill, luckily for you, it's is easy to get through foods, as many fruits (especially citrus) and vegetables contain vitamin C. Good sources include: apples, asparagus, berries, broccoli, cabbage, melon (cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon), cauliflower, citrus fruits (lemons, limes, oranges), kiwi, fortified foods (breads, grains, cereal), dark leafy greens (kale, spinach), peppers (especially red bell peppers, which have among the highest per-serving vitamin C content), potatoes, and tomatoes.

Whey Protein

What is it?
When we talk about whey we are actually referring to a complex protein made up of many smaller protein such as beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin and a bunch of other words we can't properly pronounce. Each found in whey has its own unique biological properties.

What does it do?
Whey protein is a protein supplement in powder form that is mixed with water or milk, mostly, ingested after a workout to help muscles recover and grow. Not to be confused with a mass gainer, protein powder does not make you gain weight, unless you drink 10 per day with whole fat milk.

Where to get it?
Whey protein powders can be found at any supplement shops like Hyperforme or Nutrition house. They come in many different flavors and a bunch of different brands make them. You can also get protein supplements on other forms then just powder. I found these really good pancakes that are loaded with protein. My favorite way to get protein is with Quest bars, they have amazing flavors that help with sugar cravings too.You can also get it with a balanced nutrition. You'll find lots of protein packed foods like turkey or chicken breast, fish, Greek yogurt, tofu, beef, egg whites, nuts and seeds.

Flax seed oil (pill form)
What is it?
Linseed oil, also known as flaxseed oil is a colorless to yellowish oil obtained from the dried, ripened seeds of the flax plant. The oil is obtained by pressing, sometimes followed by solvent extraction. Flax-based oils are sought after as food because of their high levels of α-Linolenic acid (a particular form of omega-3 fatty acid), but it is important that only food-grade oil be used for food. Boiled linseed oil is heated and treated with chemicals that make it unfit for human consumption

What does it do?
People try flaxseed oil for many different conditions, including rheumatoid arthritisand high cholesterol. It is also tried for treating osteoarthritis, anxiety, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), vaginal infections, dry eyes, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Some people use flaxseed oil as a laxative for constipation  and to prevent breast cancer and prostate cancer.  Flaxseed oil is also applied to the skin to sooth irritations or soften roughness.

Where to get it?
Flaxseed oil can be found at any pharmacy, health food store or supplement shops. It can be bought in capsule or liquid form. I prefer the capsule to skip the disgusting process of swallowing a spoon of oil.


What is it?
It's a highly concentrated berry based whole food supplement that is loaded with natural antioxidants. Featuring over 40 high ORAC value fruit concentrates, phytonutrients, essential fatty acids and herbal extracts, PhytoBerry is specifically designed to offer whole body antioxidant protection. A single serving has the equivalent nutrient content of 6 to 8 servings of fresh fruit.

What does it do?
Whole Body Antioxidant protection, supports liver function, strengthens immune function, boosts energy levels, supports cardiovascular health, balances blood sugar and improves digestive function just to name a few.

Where can I get it?
I have just discovered this supplement and have only seen it in supplement shops.


What is it?
Glutamine is an amino acid (a building block for proteins), found naturally in the body.

What does it do?
Glutamine plays key roles in protein metabolism, cell volumizing, and anti-catabolism. Glutamine also increases your ability to secrete Human Growth Hormone, which helps metabolize body fat and support new muscle growth. Glutamine's anti-catabolism ability prevents the breakdown of your muscles. This is especially useful for people 'cutting down'. Especially during summer when you're trying to get rid of some body fat without losing any muscle. Glutamine is needed throughout your body for optimal performance. Your small intestines requires the most Glutamine in your body, and your immune system also needs Glutamine because Glutamine levels deplete during workouts.

Where to get it?
Once again, I have only found Glutamine in the supplement shops.


What is it?
A multivitamin is a preparation intended to be a dietary supplement with vitamins, minerals and other nutritional elements. Mutli vitamins are available in the form of tablets, capsules, pastilles, powders and liquids.

What does it do?
Improve overall physical and mental condition, prevent, deficiency, reduce stress, increase energy levels, insure correct function of the body and many more.

Where to get it?
Multi vitamins can for the most part be found anywhere from the grocery store to the supplement shops.

So there you have it. My complete list of daily supplement.

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Low carb days

Today is day 5 of my 30 day challenge and day 1 of phase 2 of my challenge.

Phase 2 = Low carb days (for the remainder of the month)

I have a really big appetite and love bad carbs. I will wolf down any kind of bread, muffin, cake, bagel...etc.... I decided to add  phase 2 to my challenge and go low carb for the reminder of the challenge. This will probably be the bigger part of the challenge for me as working out is a passion for me and it feels like a treat to go to the gym every day. What`s the point of doing a challenge is I don`t feel challenged?

My meal will be very basic and simple. Luckily for me, I don`t get bored with eating the same things over and over. I could eat chicken every day and be super happy about it. I will be upping my protein intake and lowering my carbs to the bare minimum. This being said, here is an example of what I will eat today.

»Upon waking I take my multi vitamin with a glass of water directly followed by a Glutamine* shot and two more glasses of water. (Water helps wake up the metabolism) My water glasses are actually my 20 oz. bottle, always filled to the rim.

One bottle of water
1 hard boiled egg
1/2 cup of fruit salad (strawberry, canary melon, peaches and black grapes)

One bottle of water
4 oz. chicken breast (skinless and boneless)
Grilled asparagus

Post-workout snack
One bottle of water
1 scoop of Phyto-berry** mixed + 1 scoop of Glutamine
Quest Protein bar

One bottle of water
6 oz. of turkey meat balls with franks red hot sauce
Grilled mixed veggies (peas, carrots and green and yellow beans) seasoned with no salt Ms. Dash.

»2 hours before bed, I`ll have my last Glutamine shot and a peppermint tea to help relax.

Very simple, very basic. I have my meals planned out a few days ahead and all prepared so I don`t wander to the store and buy something bad. I also try to remind myself why I an doing this meal plan and the benefits it will bring me to stay on track and help go through a craving.

*, **see future post on all the supplement I take for more information.

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

30 day challenge - Day 1

The first day is always fun. A new routine, a new workout. You feel motivated and you can't wait to see what you can do.

Today is the first day of my 30 day challenge. today, I'll be will be working out on my lower body. All the details were posted in my previous post, introducing the challenge but here it is again for all of you just jumping in now.

Working in a circuit style, one move after the other with little to no rest, 5 times through.

-20 jump squats
-20 walking lunges with kettle bells
-30 jumping jacks
-20 side lunges with barbell
-15 bench step ups with barbell (each leg)
-20 calf raise with kettle bells
-20 straight leg dead lifts

followed by

15 minute treadmill interval run
~ 2 minute flat walk
~ 2 minute set at 5 incline walk
~ 2 minute set at 5 incline jog
~ 2 minute flat jog
~ 2 minute flat walk
~ 2 minute set at 10 incline walk with 30 second jogs
~ 3 minute cool down

This will be a fun workout, killing legs on the first day is almost a statement!

Today meal plan involves my cheat meal. Now, I know what you are thinking, "You are already having your cheat meal on the first day of your challenge?!?" 

Yes I am because I had already had that day planned out from last week and I always plan out my cheat meal dates on pay day. That way, I am not restricted to anything. I like my cheat meals and I do have it every week, after about 7 to 10 days of clean eating. It keeps me sane and keeps my cravings at bay.

Breakfast will be a bowl of oatmeal with berries and 1 orange with a cup pf peppermint tea and a glass of water.

Lunch will probably be a Falefal plate at Shawarma sante, I will be on the go today and since it's also grocery day (another reason why my cheat meal is today) I can't pack up too much of a good lunch so my go to healthy lunch is usually shawarma plate (not the sandwich) or subway.

Supper is RED LOBSTER, i\m supper excited. 

I'll be having a few snacks here and there during the day, mostly an apple or piece of cheese and a protein bar or shake. I'll take a picture of absolutely everything I will be eating today and make an other post tonight. So check back later.

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

30 day challenge

This morning I got a coffee and sat down to look at my emails and Facebook when I saw one picture that made me think.This photo sparked an idea that turned into a fantastic motivational challenge. For those who follow my blog regularly, yes i have set some similar objectives in my previous posts and this is basically merging all of them together. Keeping all my goals and all my plans together will make it easier to keep track.

"You have not failed until you give up. "

It will be very simple. Post your before stats before starting on my facebook page as I will be posting them here.  You can follow my routine or create your own for your goals. 

A few points to prep before starting
#1 - Set goal
#2 - Weight-in, measurement and before pictures 
(you do not have to share this information online if you do not feel comfortable)
#3 - Plan out your workouts and meals

My goal for this 30 day challenge: lose inches and gain muscle definition.

Here is what my workout routine will be like for the next 30 days.

My routine will be split up into 6 days of work 2 days of rest and one scheduled cheat meal. My workouts will be lower body days, upper body days, cardio days. This is what a week will look like. 
(example given form May 1st to May 7th) 

May 1st: Lower body day
May 2nd: Upper body day
May 3rd: Cardio day
May 4th: Lower body day
May 5th: Upper body day
May 6th: Cardio day
May 7th: Rest

 Lower body and cardio

Working in a circuit style, each move one after the other with little to no rest until round is completed. Rest for 1 or 2 minutes and repeat 5 times in total.

-20 jump squats
-20 walking lunges with kettle bells
-30 jumping jacks
-20 side lunges with barbell
-15 bench step ups with barbell (each leg)
-20 calf raise with kettle bells
20 straight leg dead lifts

15 minute treadmill interval run
~ 2 minute flat walk
~ 2 minute set at 5 incline walk
~ 2 minute set at 5 incline jog
~ 2 minute flat jog
~ 2 minute flat walk
~ 2 minute set at 10 incline walk with 30 second jogs
~ 3 minute cool down

Upper body and cardio

Working in a circuit style, each move one after the other with little to no rest until round is completed. Rest for 1 or 2 minutes and repeat 5 times in total.

15 push ups
20 dumbbell lateral raise
20 triceps extension
20 military press
20 Bicep curls
20 shoulder shrugs
Boat rope interval*

*Boat rope interval.
How to do the move: create a wave like motion with the rope by alternating arms going up and down.
How long to do it: in intervals set up like this --->15 sec work, 15 second rest, 20 second work, 15 second rest, 25 second work, 15 second rest, 30 second work. 

15 minute spin bike interval 
~ 2 minute warm up
~ 2 minute slight hill climb
~ 2 minute flat
~ 2 minute off seat hill climb
~ 2 minute flat
~ 2 minute off seat HIGH hill climb
~ 3 minute cool down

Cardio day

Choice of any cardio equipment for 40 minutes with interval work. Keep it intense, keep your heart rate up and keep moving.

Meal planning

Here is an example of what I eat during a 7 day planned out meal prep.

1/2 cup of oatmeal with berries
1/2 cup of yogurt with granola and fruit
1 Multi grain toast with hard boiled egg and avocado
1 poached egg with chicken bacon and asparagus
4 egg white omelet with veggies
2 protein pancakes with fruit
2 eggs with turkey sausages and fruit

Chicken breast with 1 cup of grilled veggies
spinach and cheese frittata
Strawberry and spinach salad wit almond and avocado
Tomatoes sandwich with avocado spread and a hard boiled egg
Oven roasted chicken with whole wheat pasta and tomato pesto
6 bean salad with tuna
Small pepper steak with sauteed onion and mushrooms

Ground turkey with wild citrus rice and salad
Orange marinated chicken served with brown rice and steamed asparagus
Turkey burgers with home made coleslaw 
Beef and broccoli served on quinoa
Chicken Quesadilla with whole grain tortillas 
Whole wheat spaghetti with home made sauce
Cheat meal!

Peanut butter and banana smoothie
Mixed nuts
Almonds butter and apple
Light cheese and 1/2 cup of raspberries
Carrots and humus
Apple puree and celery

There you have it, that is all my prep for the week. I hope to stay on track. My cheat meal is planed out to be tomorrow on my first day. This is only because my regular schedule that I've been following calls for a cheat meal on this date. I plan to go eat at red lobster! :) yum!

Now on to the stats.

I took my measurements about a week ago (also in a previous post) so I'm posting those as I know they have not changed.

154 lbs
30.5% body fat
Calorie intake to maintain weight: 1550/day
Calorie intake for weight loss: 1050 to 1350/day

Chest: 34.5 inches
Breast: 35 inches
Waist: 29.5 inches
Hips: 41 inches
Thighs: 24.5 inches
Calf: 14.5 inches

Bicep: 11 inches

And now, drum roll please. The "piece de resistance"
........the pictures...... 
Here goes nothing!

There is is, the beginning of a 30 day challenge. I will weight in and measure myself in 15 days and will post the results along with some mi-challenge pictures.

Join in on the fun and challenge yourself. See what you can achieve in 30 days!

Be strong. Be Proud.
Be the BEAST

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Boot camp

I fell in love last year with giving boot camp classes outdoors. After getting my certification in Personal training I wanted to create something fun for a few people I know. I did a few weeks of boot camps last year close to the season's end but I plan to go full force this year. I currently hold a position at my local gym where I give classes on Monday nights and I love my participants! My group has a range of beginner to elite athlete, from 16 yrs old to, my guess is, early 60's, this amazes me. How any one can join in if they only try. Take fear and set it aside. You will never get to the happiness level you are looking for if you stay hiding behind fear.

I just started my second year in outdoor boot camps last week and i'm supper excited to create new and improved workout for my fellow boot campers. Here is what a boot camp is all about, for those who have never participated and are wondering about it.

From Wikipedia:

A boot camp is a type of group physical training program. These programs are designed to build strength and fitness through a variety of intense intervals over a 1 hour period of time. 

From my brain:

What I do:
My boot camps are structured to work every part of the body with strength training moves and cardio work. In a regular 1 hour routine I will make you work biceps, triceps, lats (upper back), lower back, glutes (bum), thighs (both hamstrings and quads) and calves and build up your cardio. 

How and why it works:
The reason why boot camps are so effective is that during the full 1 hours, you are moving your entire body all the time, activating different muscles every other minute with little to no rest. This keeps your heart rate up and helps burn fat fasted then cardio alone.

Join a boot camp class vs. doing it alone:
you don't have to sign up with me to have a great workout, most people can find something to do at home that will work just fine, for some time. Eventually, you will find yourself in a routine rut where you don't know how to challenge your body anymore to achieve the results you are looking for. I am not saying you absolutely will have to join some kind of group or gym at one point but the human brain craves interaction, competition and gratification. boot camps offers all that and so much more, you meet new people that share a lot of the same goals and realize that you are not alone in your journey. 

What does a session look like:
Warm up run/jog

just a few examples of what you can find in 1 minute circuit stations:
push ups
jumping jacks
triceps dips
mountain climbers
chair pose hold
jumping jacks
crab walk
kettle bell hip thrusts

I also like to combine some game like activities to put some fun into it. i'll let you try and figure what type of fun I can get you guys into while sweating your asses off!! :)

I will also be ordering some boot camp shirts available to buy a a reduced price for anyone that will participate to a session. They will be available to everyone at regular price around the beginning of June.

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Day 4 and 5 adventures

I've been a bit busy the past few days and trying to fine the time to write down a good blog post was a bit hard so I compressed two days into one post. I've been working a lot and putting lots of effort into my days and it's starting to pay off. I think I found the right pace for my lifestyle. I could not be any happier then how I've been feeling for the past week. I found this image that I think shows how I feel compared to lots of people around me. Some need to learn to relax and just take it day by day. Surrounded by unhappy faces.

Because I'm happy! 

My eating has been spot on for the last two days with the most basic meals. High protein and low carb and I've had more energy then I ever did. This goes to show that when you eat good, you feel good! I instructed my first of the season, outdoor boot camp, yesterday night and absolutely loved it. I missed doing it outside and I missed my two most loyal boot camp members! 

Today was leg day at the gym and I decided to put more explosiveness to my moves to add more cardio into my routine. I added lunges to my leg day as I never really did any. I focused a lot on my hamstring and glutes.

Here is what it looked like:

Super set of:
-20 walking lunges with 20 lbs kettle bells in each hand 
-20 body weight walking lunge

Regular sets of:
3 x 12 Front lunge with raised rear leg (each leg)
3 x 15 rear lunge with high front knee (each leg)
3 x 10 One legged step up (onto bench) with leg extension and lunges on landing (each leg)

3 x 15 Super set of:
Leg extension
Leg curl 
Seated calf raise

Last night I made chicken sausages for supper and used the BBQ for my first time. Aside form being a bit burnt, to my defense they were honey garlic flavored so the sugar had to burn, they were tasty and so lean!

In a few days I'll be posting a few recipes form my favorite summer time dishes. Make sure to catch those.

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 3 - Third one's a charm, right?

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

Today is a long day for me. don't get me wrong, it's not a bad thing that I get to spend my entire day in a gym. Last year, that was exactly my dream job. This year, heck, I got my dream job. I work at the service counter at a great gym, for awesome bosses and I have the world greatest co-worker EVER. I get to talk about fitness ALL DAY LONG. The only down side is that I get to watch people workout ALL DAY LONG. It the worst kind of tease for a gym brat. 

Along with that I also get to train some of the members at the gym with the Basic training program. YEESSS, I am officially training clients at a gym and also give my boot camp classes to a great group of participants.

Dream #1 of lists of achievements: Achievement unlocked!
(yes, I'm a bit of a geek) 

So I really don't mind that i got up at 4:45 AM to go to work on my bike with my giant lunch bag.

I'm at the service counter form 6 AM to 2 PM and training from 4 PM till 9 PM. In the small free time between my two shift, I will take advantage and do a cardio workout. 

My workout will look somewhat like this:

10 minute warm up on stair master. 
Circuit training for 20 minutes
1 minute work station with 30 seconds rest in between
Just a few example of the stations in my circuit:

Spin bike
Kettle bell thrusts
jump squats
jump rope
20 minute cool down run on treadmill

FOOD for the day!!! Cause, I got to eat.

1/2 cup 0% fat plain yogurt with 1/2 raspberries and blueberries and some mixed Nature's path bio cereal.

One Banana and a light Babybell cheese

Baby spinach salad with sunflower seeds and strawberries (no dressing, the strawberries add just enough flavor!)
1/2 cup of crab meat with home made ketchup and two plain rice cakes.

One small apple and a light laughing cow cheese. Not shown in picture: A cookies and cream Quest bar.

6 turkey meat balls with 1/2 cup of brown garlic and herb rice with sauteed veggies seasoned with no salt-Ms. Dash and a side of fresh red pepper, cucumber and celery.

So that is how my day will go, I will get home at 9:30 PM and go in the shower then I'll probably hit the pillow faster then you can say "superfragilisticexpialidocious". You know, that Mary Poppins song!

Summer boot camp blog coming up!

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Second of the first

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

Today was my second day of the new routine. I`m crazy sore from yesterday and can`t wait to go to bed. Tonight`s bed time will definitely be way before 10 PM. I have been up since 6 this morning and I feel like I have not stopped. Here is what I did so far.

Rise and shine @ 6 AM had my breakfast while checking my emails. Got ready to go to work for a morning group glass and took my bike to the gym.

8H30 to 9H30 was my group class with a new group of ladies. I was asked my a co-worker to take over her class for two weeks. Last week, I tried doing her class (20-20-20, which is 20 minute blocks of aerobics, step and strength). As I can't dance to save my life, the two first segments of the class were a bit of a sight for sore eyes since the moves are timed to the tempo and there is some coordination involved. This week I played it safe and had them try out my boot camp. I was very impressed with them. They are a group of older ladies and they were strong till the end.

9H30 to 10H15 - All in all it was a good workout followed by a 45 minute long stretch/ yoga class (that I also instructed).
  Two hard boiled eggs mixed with franks red hot, Ms. Dash and pepper on a low sugar, low fat whole wheat toast (I like the crusts) and two slices of low saodium ham. All that with a tomato and light Babybell cheese (I like to slice it up, it make it seem like there is more). I washed that down with my daily vitamins, glutamine and cucumber water.

Got home at 10H30 I stuffed the above plate down the hatch and not long after I decided to go for a Shoulder/Back workout (totally not in my plans after doing my classes this morning)

Here is what my workout looked like.

10 minutes warm up on elliptical (really felt all my soreness come out during that warm up)
All super sets and high reps of 15
3 x Seated row + Seated Shoulder press 
3 x Bent over single arm row + Single arm Lateral raise
3 x Standing row + Barbell shoulder press (behind neck)
3 x straight arm cable Lateral pull + Seated Lat pull down

All that was done with the support of my mini-beast Valerie <3 

When I finally got back home (for good) around 1H, I was hungry and needed protein so I whipped up a batch of protein pancakes. I like to put some blueberry jam I have, it's low sugar and so yummy, it takes just like a bunch of munched up blueberries and nothing else, no sugar added, no junk!
 From the time I was done eating my post-workout pancakes to 4H30, I was hard at work on my client files and putting everything in order. Twice during that time I almost flat out fell asleep at my desk and had to get up and walk around the house a bit to wake up. On top of that i also manage to do two more loads of laundry and prep my meals for tomorrow as I am in the Gym from 6 AM till 9 PM.

This bad boy is what is keeping me alive right now as I am writing.It's a Golden monkey black tea. I'm a Tea freak and always end up spending at least 50$ at Teavana every single time I go.

Check out the next post, it has all the details of my meal prep for tomorrow's long day at the gym and what I plan for my boot camps this summer.

Be strong. Be proud.
Be the BEAST.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The first of the first.

Monday, April 21st, 2014. 

Today marks the first day of my new routine for the next two months. Here is what today looks like for me along with details of workout and eating.

Rise and shine
I woke up a bit late this morning. I guess my body needed the added rest. I officially got out of bed at 10 AM. To be honest, I hardly ever sleep in but lately I have been struggling with getting up or not taking naps. That is why the second goal I set for myself  (posted in previous post: New goals for a new season) is to Energize myself. I don't have a issue getting tot he gym or getting the work done but once it's done I crash and burn.

To give you an example of my energy levels lately, yesterday was Easter and rest day #2 for me. I got up late, had breakfast and watched movies all day. When I say "watch movies" I really mean "put the DVD in and fall asleep 10 minutes into the movie". I did this 3 times. However, I did manage to go for two walks during this lazy, cat like, kind of day. I went to bed at 9 PM and woke up this morning at 10 AM. I think this speaks for itself, I'm a tad tired.

Setting a routine for yourself is very important. Once your body knows when to do what, it become easier to do it. Reminder of routine importance: Long weekends are killer when you eventually get back to work, right? This principal is the same for setting a workout and nutrition routine. I set my bed time for 10 PM every day of the week including the weekends.


1/2 whole wheat English muffin with low fat cream cheese and smoked salmon. A small blood orange with a hand full of blueberries and raspberries.

5 grams of Glutamine, 1 plain rice cake with 1 tbs of natural crunchy peanut butter and a banana.

Post-(#1)workout / lunch
6 oz crab meat with giant veggie salad

Chicken Bacon and strawberry salad with Beet crystals. (recipe and photos to come in next post)

5 grams of Gutamine and cookies and cream Quest bar (these are to die for!!!)


AM cardio
20 minute run

Chest day

4 X 10 Flat bench dumbbell press
3 X 15 Incline dumbbell press
4 X 15 Incline dumbbell fly
3 X 20 Pec Dec
4 X 20 seated chest press
3 X 20 Cable cross over

PM cardio
1 hour boot camp

Be strong, be proud.
Be the BEAST.

New goals for a new season

I am at the last stretch of my weight loss journey. Started at 196 lbs, gone through major ups and downs, feeling strong and feeling weak. I struggle a lot with my weight as I tend to not hold on to a routine for very long. I have officially reached my main goal weight of 150 lbs a few months ago. Now that I have done so, I want to see what else my body can achieve.

For the next two months, I will be a on full routine and keeping it on track EVERY single day, with one cheat meal per week, working out 6 times a week, including a lot more cardio into my day and sticking to a clean eating lifestyle. I will be sharing with you every detail of the way. My weight-ins, my measurements, my body fat %, calorie intake, meal planning and workout routine.

As of today, these are my numbers:

154 lbs
30.5% body fat
Calorie intake to maintain weight: 1550/day
Calorie intake for weight loss: 1050 to 1350/day
Chest: 34.5 inches
Breast: 35 inches
Waist: 29.5 inches
Hips: 41 inches
Thighs: 24.5 inches
Calf: 14.5 inches
Bicep: 11 inches


#1: Feel amazing
#2: Energize myself
#3: Reduce Body fat %
#4: Gain muscle mass
#5: Increase cardio

In all, my goals are mainly to achieve a level of happiness within my body. To appreciate myself and to see what I can obtain. The numbers above are for statistics purposes only, I have broken up with the scale because we had a really bad, unhealthy relationship. I learned that the scale does not define me or how I feel.

Stay strong, be proud.
Be the BEAST.

Monday, April 7, 2014

2 month long weight cut

I'm on a 2 month long "cut". I will be sharing with you my ups and down and progress.

Why am I doing this?

-I am doing this because I want to finally reach my goal. This is not about how much weight I will loose or how many inches go away but more about how it can change how I feel. I did already ditch the scale since March and It's been going great. I have almost no interest in knowing what me weight is.

What am I doing?

- I am simply sticking to a clean diet and one cheat meal per week routine with a lot more cardio and less weight training. I'll post a blog entry all about my workout routine and my meals.

What is different then what I usually do?

- Usually, i'll workout 6 times per week, every day is weights. Cardio would only be 3 times a week for about 20 minutes. i would be strict on my diet but not really checking calories and i would eat a lot at night.

What will I do after this "cut"?

-If all goes well and I'm at the body image I want, I will start to add mass to my body. More muscle gain and definition.

 I will be posting a before and after shot of my results at the end of this along with my measurements and weight.

Be the BEAST!

At home leg blast

Do this for an added leg workout to your routine or by it self for a great leg blast.

Do this circuit 3 times through. One move one after the other with little to no rest for 12 reps each. 

1-Reverse plank with alternate leg lift

2-Glute bridge with alternate leg lift

3-Squat with front kick

4-Glute bridge with pointed toes

Don't forget to warm up ahead and stretch afterwards. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Post and pre workout meals

What to eat before a workout??

What to eat after???

These are all questions I get asked a lot. Here is my personal answer to these.

I usually go to the gym in the morning not long after I wake up so my pre-workout meal is my breakfast. Lately I've been having a bowl of granola and yogurt with a piece of fruit. Other times it will be a bowl of cereal with almond milk and yes again a fruit.

If you are in a rush before a workout, you want to carb up and fuel your body. I tend to go for a fruit smoothie at least one hour before a workout. eating to fast, too soon before the gym is not fun...

By the time i'm done with my workout it's close to lunch time so I just end up wanting a full meal. I do make sure I get a good amount of protein in there.I could have some chicken breast with a salad or ground turkey with onion and Brussels sprouts both of which i'll have with 1/2 cup of brown rice or quinoa.


If i'm ahead of lunch time or not ready to eat a full meal i'll have a protein shake with almond milk or if I've been good all week I'll drop by the Hyperforme and grab a small strawberry shake. They are so yummy but pack a 300 calorie count for the small, 500 for a medium and 1000!!!! calories for a large, so I won't get one too often.

I'm also in love with Quest bars! They are simply to die for and are great for on the go. They are yummiest if you put them in the microwave for 20 seconds to get them warm and gooey! I'll be posting a blog entry about all the protein products I have and love soon! stay posted!

Well, there it is. A few ideas for a pre and post workout meal.

Turkey meatloaf

I just love love love meatloaf, but recently I have not been liking the red meat so much. I wanted a meatloaf badly the other day so I looked up a few recipes and found them a bit too `granola`looking to me. It did not seem like comfort meal to me when I was reading the ingredients.

After looking for a while I just decided that I`ll make my own and hope for the best. Well turns out, it was amazing. Sadly, I did not take any pictures of it but as soon as I make another one I will post about it for sure!

Now, this is not the healthiest of my recipes but it's still better then what I use to have as a kid.

What you'll need:

1 pack of ground turkey (or ground chicken)
4-6 tbs of whole grain bread crumbs
1 whole egg ( I like to use  free range eggs but any kind will work fine)
3-4 tbs of low sodium soya sauce
3-4 tbs of ketchup
3-4 tbs of water

Make a second batch of the last three ingredients and set aside

 What you'll do:

Preheat the over at 400 degrees.
Mix all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
Pour mixture into a bread pan or any oven pan of your choice.
Cover with foil and place in oven for 1 hour.
After the hour is up, remove foil cover and pour the second liquid mix on top pf the loaf.
Put back in oven, uncovered for an additional 20 to 30 minutes.

I served this to my parents with a side of oven roasted carrots and Brussels sprouts and some green peas.
They loved it and we all wanted the leftover plate.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Forget the haters!

For what ever reason you are on a weight loss path, you will always have haters around you. Why?? Because clearly you are doing something they are jealous of. I have noticed this a lot in the gym. People will always judge. They will always look at you will "that look". It will never go away. 

Might as well get used to having haters around, they will always be there as long as you work hard. Keep your head high and your feet on the ground. Don't let the hate get to you and be humble. Remember that we were all starters at the gym once before. Don't be a hater!

Be the BEAST!